Let Us Clear Our Throats

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Just got my hair did

So I don't know bout you but I'm not a big advocate of talking to the stylist while he's cutting my hair. Why distract the guy from his job? Its my hair, I want him focused and paying attention to every snip!
Or maybe my reluctance to chat it up has more to do with the fact that I never know what to say to the guy. Sure, I've been going to him for 2 1/2 years, and we made it through the bang debacle of '05 (come to think of it, maybe we were a bit too chatty that day), but beyond the superficial pleasantries, our conversations haven't gone far. I blame it partly on my shy nature but also on his lack of conversation skills. Give me something to work with and I'll ask you questions! Luckily I think we've grown comfortable in our silence.
Well I hope so at least.
Besides, how else would I be able to eavesdrop on other people's conversations and find out if some guy's boyfriend (who lives in Russia and makes $70-80 a month and doesn't have a phone) has come out to his parents or if the other stylist is constipated, "#1 or #2?" "I think #2, he's been in there a long time!".
The silence also gives me an opportunity to ponder things like,
  • thank god I was never on a school field trip where all the students had to wear neon green t-shirts and reflective safety patrol belts/sashes.
  • if you have tattoos on your arms do you have to worry that your shirt my clash with the colors in the design?
  • Do guys attempt to match the color of their baseball hats to their clothes like I do?
  • Whats better? A plasma, LCD or rear projection TV?
  • why is Ze Frank so hilarious and how can I find a guy like him?
  • If I got hit by a car and didn't have my cell, would I remember anyone's phone number to call in case of an emergency?
  • If I broke a limb, which one would I prefer? I think my left arm.
So luckily the hair cut/color turned out great and I didn't need to lie through my teeth and say 'Sure I like it', tip him and then go home and cry for two hours.


  • i think if you forgot your cell and got hit by a car, you'd probably remember the number9-1-1...unless you got hit really hard...

    By Blogger Shakes, at 6/27/2006 10:46 PM  

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