I'm LOST....
Scroll down for a discussion about tonight's finale, otherwise don't go past the picture of Charlie.

What if LOST was a cartoon done by the creators of South Park? Click on the picture for a better look at their take on the characters. Not quite sure I understand Jin's depiction but maybe its because I don't watch South Park often.
In other LOST news, tune into the Jimmy Kimmel show tonight because Hugh McIntyre, the communications director of The Hanso Foundation.
What he'll talk about and how this relates to the show or the internet game, I'm not sure. But part of me feels like its taking things just a tad far. But I'll still be tuning in of course.
(I watched it and the guy doesn't look like the picture on the right and explained it is a pic of his predecesor. Nothing reallyrevealed expect he said the dhamra projects were shut down in 1987 and that the Hanso Foundation has nothing to do with LOST)
But if you still want to get even more LOST beyond the television screen than these action figures might be perfect for you...
McFarlane Toys announced they'll be making LOST action figures and here is a sneak peek of the Charlie one:

I think 'action' figure is a bit of an overstatement here. The article doesn't mention just how action orientated these figures are but judging from the pictures looks like they will be more of a 'precious moments/look but don't touch decorative kid sucking his thumb' type of non-action figure.
Don't scroll down further if you haven't watched the episode.
(or are living under a rock and are disgrace)
LostPedia has a link to article about Widmore Industry and other parts of the 'Alternate Reality Game'
Great finale but I wish there were more answers. Mayhaps I'm just being greedy. They need to keep us guessing so we'll come back next season.(ummm who wouldn't!?)
When does it start up again? I'm going to be so LOST wednesday nights without it! ;)

What if LOST was a cartoon done by the creators of South Park? Click on the picture for a better look at their take on the characters. Not quite sure I understand Jin's depiction but maybe its because I don't watch South Park often.
In other LOST news, tune into the Jimmy Kimmel show tonight because Hugh McIntyre, the communications director of The Hanso Foundation.

(I watched it and the guy doesn't look like the picture on the right and explained it is a pic of his predecesor. Nothing reallyrevealed expect he said the dhamra projects were shut down in 1987 and that the Hanso Foundation has nothing to do with LOST)
But if you still want to get even more LOST beyond the television screen than these action figures might be perfect for you...
McFarlane Toys announced they'll be making LOST action figures and here is a sneak peek of the Charlie one:

I think 'action' figure is a bit of an overstatement here. The article doesn't mention just how action orientated these figures are but judging from the pictures looks like they will be more of a 'precious moments/look but don't touch decorative kid sucking his thumb' type of non-action figure.
Don't scroll down further if you haven't watched the episode.
(or are living under a rock and are disgrace)
- More background on Desmond, making him more sympathetic (so we'll slightly mourn his passing)
- The Desert Storm Army guy turns out to be Kelvin, Desmond's 'partner'
- The journals from the Pearl went no where (so was that the main experiment after all?)
- Claire and Charlie kissed!
- That bastard Henry Gale is their leader. I love to hate him.
- Frankie's comment "They're taking the Doc on the Dock"
- What happened to Eko and John?? electromagnetically crushed!?
- Why did they let Walt go and why is he 'more than they bargained for?'
- How did Penny know to be searching for an electromagnetic anomaly and where were the guys who called her? Siberia? Antarctica? South Pole?
- Now that Desmond turned the key does that mean the special 'powers' of the island are no longer there? Will Rose's cancer come back and will John be unable to walk again?
- Whats going to happen with Jack, Sawyer and Kate? And why keep them and not Hurley?
- Whats with the 4 toe statue?
- Libby's husband's name is David, same name as Hurley's invisible friend!
LostPedia has a link to article about Widmore Industry and other parts of the 'Alternate Reality Game'
Great finale but I wish there were more answers. Mayhaps I'm just being greedy. They need to keep us guessing so we'll come back next season.(ummm who wouldn't!?)
When does it start up again? I'm going to be so LOST wednesday nights without it! ;)
what if penny (was that the chicks name?) really isn't looking for Desmond? I, as with most viewers, was convinced that she is actually looking for him. But I watched the last half hour again. I'm guessing that since he went on a saling trip around the world and hasn't come back in 3 years she would assume he is dead. Unless she has some sort of contact with the military letting her know that such an island exists and that she should be looking for a huge magnetic pulse, but i highly doubt that.......
Her family is extremely rich it seems like. I wonder what they do exactly. Could it be in a business that lets them have a monitoring station in the arctic?? This monitoring thing could serve the same purpose as your normal earthquake, tsunami, etc... stations. This just looks for electromagnetic pulses. On that, this could just be another Lost coincidence, as much as Sawyer and Jack's dad having a drink, that the magnetic stuff they are monitoring happens to be where Desmond is. The russian dudes I also said "I think we found it" as opposed to I think we found him or something.....ok thats it on that...
In other Lost theories....
I think Michael, Sawyer, Kate, Jack and Hurley do have a plan. They wouldn't go out that easily and they were looking at eachother in the "lets do this" kind of way before the bags were put on their heads. I'm sure Sayid and Jack also had some sort of contingency if they didn't make it to the black smoke. Why is this the best show?!?!?!?!?!?!? And why can't Kate just get naked?!?!
Anonymous, at 5/25/2006 1:23 PM
i was thinking about Penny last night and the involvement of the Widmore industries.
b/c if you check the lost link on the blog to lostpedia and then to one for widmore industries you'll see that Widmore does lots of stuff, (the pregnancy test and Henry Gale's ballooon)
so they def. have their hands in stuff but howthey are related to the dhamra intiative or the hanso foundation, I don't know.
and you're right, kate and jack did look at each other before the bags were put over their head, and kate blinked as if agreeing with something.
Why can't Kate and Jack get naked together??
witnee, at 5/25/2006 4:48 PM
Hi I stumbled upon your blog... I just wanted to let "witnee" know that she is a loser... and I'm glad the season finale of Lost is over so you can stop posting these ridiculous "lost" posts which totally dilute the overall quality of this blog.
Anonymous, at 5/25/2006 6:20 PM
hi anonymous aka amol. Stop being such a dweeb, its totally diluting the overall quality of this blog.
witnee, at 5/25/2006 6:27 PM
ok here are my lostheories: i think penny put a homing device or some kind of detection thing inside of desmond or his book. when the brazilian geologists panicked it was because the monitor said "electromagnetic anomaly detected" or something...then they called penny and said "i think we found HIM.."
unless these guys are in the business of personifying islands, penny had to be looking specifically for desmond.
ok also awesome that kelvin was mr. cia from sayid's days in iraq.
i don't think that jack and kate have a plan...just that they nodded to each other to say like "it'll be ok" or some lame crap. they SHOULD have had a plan and for sure mr. sayid should find them and help them out.
are eko and locke dead? i hope not because i know whitney was hoping for some full frontal 15" alabama blacksnake from ecko.
ronsta, at 5/25/2006 7:57 PM
Ohhhhh that was portuguese? Guess I don't really have an ear for the languages.
Yeah, and Eko better not be dead.....
Oh ronsta, you know me so well, so well. ;)
witnee, at 5/25/2006 11:58 PM
why r you casting apersions on amol? he's the beacon of hope for this blog...u think you're clever by just using my words to rag on him? you're a child..
"I'm going to be so lost on wednesday nights without it" that's clever.. for a 5 year old.
Anonymous, at 5/26/2006 2:28 PM
srry, just watched the season two finalle (yes, i know im way behind!) and they definately say " i think weve found IT!" not Him, and im 100% sure about it.
Ive got it downloaded and watched it about 30 times, just rewinding and replaying the frames. i am so certain of the fact i just thought i should point it out.
and on a totaly different subject, why bother posting abuse on someones blog....? why not just not post atall? surely youve got better things to be doing?
Anonymous, at 6/23/2006 2:09 PM
Thanks for the clarification about "Him" vs. "it", Anonymous!
Not to worry, the abusive poster was just a friend poking fun ;)
witnee, at 6/23/2006 9:44 PM
Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.
Anonymous, at 7/20/2006 11:51 PM
What's up, nice websites you have got presently.
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