Sending out a S.O.S.

And by request, best quote while watching LOST tonight:
Frankie: "Whats remission?"
Raman: "Cancer."
While finding out about Rose's cancer was interesting, I was more focused on what was happening between Jack and Kate. They were so close!!! Why did stupid Michael have to come trampling in?? And where has he been the whole time? Wonder if the actor pissed off the writers so they decided to teach him a lesson.
So lets speculate.....
Does Michael lead them into an attack against the others?
Does 'Henry' over power Ana Lousia and use her as leverage to escape?
Are Kate and Jack every gonna do it?
Anybody else think the guy who plays Henry should get an award for being the creepiest villian on tv?
And for some other lost news....
....apparently Evangeline use to be a stewardess. I love how the article describes her and Dominic (the hobbit) as lovers instead of partners or something.
...if you IMDB LOST and look at the full credits it shows the actors who were on the show but not anymore, as 2004-2005. BUT they list the actor that plays Walt as 2004-2005 too!
So is he gone for good? Will there never be father/son reunion?
apparently walt will not be on the show for a while because they can't figure out a way to justify him going through puberty. his voice has been getting deeper and since time on the island is a day an episode, it wouldn't make sense that he suddenly has no pubes in one episode and an afro (pun intended) in the next.
michael was definitely conveniently written in and i predict he'll help lead a fight against the others. i can't wait to see what the special secret about los others is.
guess we'll have to wait till may, huh?
ronsta, at 4/13/2006 12:12 AM
Hmmm... Walt going through puberty would be a bit hard to explain. But then again, the magical healing properties of the island could be used as justification. ;)
And so why hasn't Hurley lost weight? Is it because the actor can't or b/c then he wouldn't be able to do flashbacks?
And yes, we'll have to wait till may :( The very reason that LOST is on my 'On Notice' list!
witnee, at 4/13/2006 12:21 AM
well they do have the ability to film things out of know, film the scenes with walt all in a short amount of time, even if they don't use the footage in the final cut. who knows what those crazy writers are doing, but there is going to be a battle of good vs. evil, it is brewing.
Anonymous, at 4/13/2006 11:58 AM
battle of good vs. evil? between the others and the losties? maybe the others aren't that bad afterall!
ronsta, at 4/13/2006 3:12 PM
Ohhh interesting concept, the others aren't bad? Was it bad what they were trying to do with Claire and her baby though?
Maybe they're just a product of their environment (much like my inmates) but should that be a justification for their behavior, even if ithey feel like they're fighting for their survival?
witnee, at 4/13/2006 3:16 PM
Wait I'm sorta confused, lets back up for a moment. So these people were in a plane crash or something?...What happened after that?
Anonymous, at 4/13/2006 4:03 PM
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