Where's that dog gone thong??!
Next time you say this it may have a totally different and wild meaning.
(well if you're a guy saying this, it already has a wild and concerning connotation...so please keep your thong search to yourself mister thong man)
Introducing the DOGONE THONG!!!

Straight from the website:
"The Dogone - Dog Gas Neutralizing Pad is a comfortable and least intrusive means for deodorizing gassy discharges in a thong design. This will eliminate pet odors and dog odors from flatus or flatulence."
Now who really has too much time on their hands to create this? Or who has a dog who's gas is soooo bad that they felt the need to create "an activated charcoal cloth....that is reusable and washable"??
As if the dog isn't already blamed enough for human's farts already...
The one who smelt it: "day-am! whats that smell!?"
The one who dealt is: "don't look at me, it was the dog"
The one who smelt it: "oh must have been the dog, he obviously has a gas problem if he needs a dogone fart thong"

This strange and twisted invention (which is patent pending btw) will only make it easier to attribute those silent but deadly ones to the dog.
You couldn't do that to a face like this could you?!
(well if you're a guy saying this, it already has a wild and concerning connotation...so please keep your thong search to yourself mister thong man)
Introducing the DOGONE THONG!!!
Straight from the website:
"The Dogone - Dog Gas Neutralizing Pad is a comfortable and least intrusive means for deodorizing gassy discharges in a thong design. This will eliminate pet odors and dog odors from flatus or flatulence."
Now who really has too much time on their hands to create this? Or who has a dog who's gas is soooo bad that they felt the need to create "an activated charcoal cloth....that is reusable and washable"??
As if the dog isn't already blamed enough for human's farts already...
The one who smelt it: "day-am! whats that smell!?"
The one who dealt is: "don't look at me, it was the dog"
The one who smelt it: "oh must have been the dog, he obviously has a gas problem if he needs a dogone fart thong"

This strange and twisted invention (which is patent pending btw) will only make it easier to attribute those silent but deadly ones to the dog.
You couldn't do that to a face like this could you?!
Actually, won't it make it harder to blame it on the dog?
The one who smelt it: "day-am! whats that smell!?"
The one who dealt is: "don't look at me, it was the dog"
The one who smelt it: "it couldn't have been the dog, he has his fart thong on, therefore I conclude it was Mr. Mustard, with a knife, in the drawing room!"
Anonymous, at 4/04/2006 12:30 AM
Oh snap!
You've got a good point there gwenita bonita!
witnee, at 4/04/2006 12:35 AM
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