Stop in the name of Hate

Everyone's heard of Friendster, right? Not as popular as some of the other sites but not as sleazy and sketchy as MySpace and more of an older crowd then Facebook. Well now there is a Snubster!
According to an article on Wired News, "Antisocial Networking Gets Hip"
from the article:
"Snubster members, by contrast, focus on what irritates them. Targets of discontent include individuals (President Bush is a popular pick), groups (guys who talk at urinals) and things (bologna). Besides storing lists, the site has a tool for sending an e-mail to someone newly added to a list to tell them why they're being snubbed."
Hate is a great way to unite people.
from the site:
On Notice
Things go on this list first. You can specify how long something is on notice. If there are no more infractions in this time period, they'll automatically come off the list. Otherwise you can move them to your Dead to Me List
Dead to Me
Put things on your dead to me list when you'd like them on there permanently. They'll only come off your list if you manually remove them.
Here are some things I would put on my lists:
On Notice
Lost-for erratic scheduling
the noisy box at the top of AIM buddy lists
Dead to Me
Tom Cruise
What would you put on your lists?
Tom Cruise: Dead To Me.
That says it all. Brilliant.
Thanks for making me laugh just as I get ready to hit the sack!
Merujo, at 4/11/2006 11:17 PM
I hate people who try to get on trains without letting me get off first. i mean helloo, if you just let me get off you can stand where i was standing. it makes me want to get violent.
Shakes, at 4/12/2006 11:20 PM
it makes me want to get jiggy!
ronsta, at 4/13/2006 9:43 AM
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