Let Us Clear Our Throats

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Urban Dictionary Yourself

We all know you've googled yourself (as well as google imaged) but have you ever looked up your name on Urban Dictionary?
I took the liberty of looking up the names of the writers of this blog and here's what I found.

Whit: A Super Hot and Sexy Woman with Junk in 'er Trunk
(the definition for Whitney was just too unfortunate to post)

Gwen: adj. Describing an attractive female, named after Gwen Stefani

And b/c Amol has not been defined yet I looked up the most equivalent term

Dweeb: An awkward, ineffectual person; specifically connotes physical inadequacy

But I don't know how reliable the definitions are because this is one of them for
Blog: A meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life. Consists of such riveting entries as "homework sucks" and "I slept until noon today"
Blogger: Term used to describe anyone with enough time or narcissism to document every tedious bit of minutiae filling their uneventful lives. Possibly the most annoying thing about bloggers is the sense of self-importance they get after even the most modest of publicity. Sometimes it takes as little as a referral on a more popular blogger's website to set the lesser blogger's ego into orbit.

Hmm...could be some truth to those, could not, you be the judge....

Marco? Polo!

I ran across this video on a great blog from Wired called Table of Malcontents
Things You CAN'T do when you're NOT in a pool

I love it! It brought back memories of playing tea party underwater with friends (mine we're quite elaborate, we wrote out, sent and received the invitations and then the guests arrived and only then tea was served) and Marco polo (I still have a scar on my shoulder from jumping a bit too enthusiastically into the side of the pool trying to take someone by surprise).

Fish out of Water!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Sign #3 that I've not grown up yet...

...I still use the phrase "Never Eat Shredded Wheat" (North, East, South, West) when trying to figure out directions.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Instead of The Da Vinci Code....

10 Things I Hate About Commandaments

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I'm LOST....

Scroll down for a discussion about tonight's finale, otherwise don't go past the picture of Charlie.

What if LOST was a cartoon done by the creators of South Park? Click on the picture for a better look at their take on the characters. Not quite sure I understand Jin's depiction but maybe its because I don't watch South Park often.

In other LOST news, tune into the Jimmy Kimmel show tonight because Hugh McIntyre, the communications director of The Hanso Foundation. What he'll talk about and how this relates to the show or the internet game, I'm not sure. But part of me feels like its taking things just a tad far. But I'll still be tuning in of course.
(I watched it and the guy doesn't look like the picture on the right and explained it is a pic of his predecesor. Nothing reallyrevealed expect he said the dhamra projects were shut down in 1987 and that the Hanso Foundation has nothing to do with LOST)

But if you still want to get even more LOST beyond the television screen than these action figures might be perfect for you...
McFarlane Toys announced they'll be making LOST action figures and here is a sneak peek of the Charlie one:

I think 'action' figure is a bit of an overstatement here. The article doesn't mention just how action orientated these figures are but judging from the pictures looks like they will be more of a 'precious moments/look but don't touch decorative kid sucking his thumb' type of non-action figure.

Don't scroll down further if you haven't watched the episode.

(or are living under a rock and are disgrace)

  • More background on Desmond, making him more sympathetic (so we'll slightly mourn his passing)
  • The Desert Storm Army guy turns out to be Kelvin, Desmond's 'partner'
  • The journals from the Pearl went no where (so was that the main experiment after all?)
  • Claire and Charlie kissed!
  • That bastard Henry Gale is their leader. I love to hate him.
  • Frankie's comment "They're taking the Doc on the Dock"
  • What happened to Eko and John?? electromagnetically crushed!?
  • Why did they let Walt go and why is he 'more than they bargained for?'
  • How did Penny know to be searching for an electromagnetic anomaly and where were the guys who called her? Siberia? Antarctica? South Pole?
  • Now that Desmond turned the key does that mean the special 'powers' of the island are no longer there? Will Rose's cancer come back and will John be unable to walk again?
  • Whats going to happen with Jack, Sawyer and Kate? And why keep them and not Hurley?
  • Whats with the 4 toe statue?
  • Libby's husband's name is David, same name as Hurley's invisible friend!
LOST Links:
LostPedia has a link to article about Widmore Industry and other parts of the 'Alternate Reality Game'
Great finale but I wish there were more answers. Mayhaps I'm just being greedy. They need to keep us guessing so we'll come back next season.(ummm who wouldn't!?)
When does it start up again? I'm going to be so LOST wednesday nights without it! ;)

Waiting for LOST....

while we're counting down the hours till the LOST season finale here are two music videos that are precious, adorable and just damn creative:

Guster: One Man Wrecking Machine
(mentioned on Best Week Ever)

Blur: Coffee and TV

Monday, May 22, 2006

Just another Music Monday...

So Every Monday we're going to post some tunes that you should listen to and/or download:

Imogen Heap: Sweet Religion
(If you like Fiona Apple, Poe)

We Are Scientists: Nobody Move, Nobedy Gets Hurt or The Great Escape
(if you like Franz Ferdinand, The Killers, Arctic Monkeys)

Mates of State: Kissaway
(if you like New Pornograhers, Arcade Fire, Stars)

Ryan Adams: Sweet Illusions or Magnolia Mountain
(If you like Chris Issak, Amos Lee, Joseph Arthur)

Enjoy and add your own suggestions in the comments if you want!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Add Your Own Caption

*taken somewhere in Arkansas

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

LOST and found

Before we get to tonight's episode here are some fun LOST links to enjoy:
(If you don't want to know what happened in the episode don't scroll past the second video)
Here's a story from Newsweek about the show, there is one paragraph with some possible spoilers but it warns you to skip it, so don't worry.

Wanna know what the LOST actors were doing before? Entertainment Weekly has a story about what roles, tv shows and movies the actors were in before hand (with pictures too!)
Best of all it has a link to a commercial Evangeline shot for Live Links but to save you the trouble I'll post it here:

And I just found this website Lost Links that had some fun stuff.
Like this video called Addicted to Lost (clips of the show set to the song Addicted to Love)
and this commercial for Oceanic Air.

And for a peek at Lost, The Musical, from the Jimmy Kimmel show:

Tonights Episode:
  • I love Sawyer's elegant way with words, "I screwed her". It makes a gal's heart go pitter patter with thoughts of love.
  • I don't love the fact that at the very least Kate (who found the beard and dirty clothes costumes) hasn't brought up the fact that the others are pretending to be less advanced than they really are. A point reinforced when Walt yelled to Michael, "They're pretending!"
  • I love that Alex (Rousseau's Daughter) has a heart and isn't as brutal as the others (and I know the male viewers love that she's not bad to look at).
  • I LOVE absolutely love DVR! We slowed down the scenes it showed of next weeks season finale and this is what we saw: Jack kicking in the cabin of the boat, Desmond, Kate getting shot?, all the journals and logs from the pearl in the air compresser tubes, the turning of a key with the dharma swan logo...Thats all I can remember atleast.
I can't wait till next week's two hour finale! All calls, IM's, texts and any other form of communication will be ignored. You have been advised.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Cookie Monster?

Is he a monster? Is he really?

Well Andy F. Bryan explores that on McSweeney's Internet Tendency:

"Me love cookies. Me tend to get out of control when me see cookies. Me know it not natural to react so strongly to cookies, but me have weakness. Me know me do wrong. Me know it isn't normal. Me see disapproving looks. Me see stares. Me hurt inside."

Click here to see what conclusion Cookie Monster comes to after some hilarious deep thought and self-examination.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mistaken Identity = Big Laughs

Check out this story about a London cabbie that was interviewed on a BBC news show. A guy named Guy Kewney was suppose to be interviewed about the internet music business but his driver was mistakingly interviewed instead.
The driver's facial expressions in the first moments he realizes whats happening are indescribable! Lets just say that I'll be saving this video to watch whenever I need a laugh.
Watch and Enjoy:

Monday, May 08, 2006

National "Security"

So I've been doing a lot of traveling lately and while I don't love all the extra time going through security takes, I know its important and for the sake of national security I'll practically strip, take out my laptop and take off my shoes. But I think they're getting a bit too busy making us take our jackets and belts off and not paying attention to some other slightly minor details, like checking your ID for instance.
When I checked in to fly to Chicago I gave the guy my ID. He looked at me kinda funny
(not so unusual considering my picture is a lil old and I'm tan in the pic, something that hasn't been repeated in years) and said, Have you checked in already? I said no and he continued to check me in. I don't think much of it and continue on.
I finally get to my window seat on the plane (essential for sleeping which is my usual flying activity) and after everyone in my row sits down the girl on the aisle seat says, isn't A the window seat? Because I'm suppose to sit there. I say yes but I have 6A, what does your ticket say? She pulls it out and it says 6A as well but it also has MY name on it. WTF!? For a split second I think wow, what a coincidence (yes, I have my blonde, gullible moments) but then recover and ask her what her name is. Turns out we have the same last names but different first names. VERY different first names (Whitney vs. Rashonda).
So turns out she checked in before me and the guy at the ticket counter was being so meticulous he checked her in as me and the person that checks your ID and ticket before you go into the xray and metal detectors was being extra fastidious as well and missed the fact that the girls ID and ticket didn't match up.
So definitely ridiculous and kinda a lil frightening that such a huge mistake could be made in light of the heightened security. Despite it all I still managed to konk out immediately after take off. Good to know that my ability to sleep where ever and when ever can't be deterred by a minor 'threat' to national security.

Another Manic Monday?

If you're feeling down or blue because its Monday, just take a look at my favorite cartoon and remember that....

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

You are the weakest link....Goodbye!

"Bye bye drunk drivers!!"
That's what I said after Libby and Ana Lousia got shot. Here they are getting a different kind of shot, mug shots to be exact.
I guess their drunk driving shenanagins might have gotten them voted off the island. And did you hear how Michael Rodriguez opted to serve jail time instead of do community service? How bad ass is that? And did anyone else think that throughout tonight's episode it looked like she had a 5 o'clock shadow?
So Discuss!!!
Michael must have been brainwashed/drugged by the others and told to go convince everyone that they could win in a battle. Or as Frankie just brilliantly pointed out, he must be doing it against his will in order to get Walt back. When Michael was saying that they were living in tents and dirty and barefoot, I knew it was a lie. It has to be! We already know they have those outfits as disguises and they are more advanced than that!
Who is this great leader that is so wonderful but not forgiving?
And finally someone got some ass on the island, even though it wasn't the two people I was hoping for. Sadly Sawyer will get no more from Ana Lousia and Hurley's chances are kaput too. Well do you think Libby is dead as well? And who is Jack's half-sister?
And did you see the commercial for the Hanso Foundation?
Check out the Website to see it if you were skipping through commercials. Anyone call the number? 1-877-HANSORG
Check out this interview with the producers for some tidbits of info/spoilers

Definitely an awesome episode and hopefully its only gonna get better till the season finale! :)
check out this site to see if lost is repeat and this site to see the season 2 schedule/synopses.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

What's clean got to do with it?

Like most kids, one of my chores growing up was to clean up my room. But unlike most kids, I didn't outgrow my messiness. At 26 years old, with my own place and multiple rooms to keep tidy, I've found that the level of cleanliness of my apartment is dependent on who is around.

Just me mess: where's the floor? ohh underneath those piles of clothes and books. (living room, kitchen and bedroom look like a frat boy's dorm room)
Friend visiting who is also messy: clutter in living room and kitchen pushed into piles to make room for walking and sitting. Bedroom door is cracked open.
Friend visiting who is not messy: clutter pushed into piles against the wall, in the closet, actual wiping of surfaces may occur. Bedroom door is closed.
Stranger visiting: surfaces wiped, dishes put away, mostly de-cluttered. Bedroom door is bolted shut with caution tape across it.
Parents visiting: full blown clean with floors actually vacuumed, all surfaces wiped twice, no clutter visible and all doors open.

And how long does full blown clean last? 10 minutes after parents leave.

cleanliness may be next to godliness but messiness does not equal dirtiness!
(and never underestimate the benefit of advance notice when paying me a visit)