While my blogger associate thinks that the superman outfit is gay (and yes, generally, wearing underwear outside your clothes with tights, might be an indication of homosexual tendencies) However, I think that Brandon Routh did an amazing job. And most importantly he looked hot while doing it.
Speaking of Men and Underwear.... here is a funny lil game that was mentioned on Table of Malcontents The instructions are in Spanish (i think) and basically this guy is trying to get across town to get to his girlfriend? but he's naked (save his tighty whiteys) and he has to hide behind objects whenever cars or people go by, or else.... Not sure what happens if you succeed. My attention span isn't that big but believe me, its pretty amusing for atleast a minute or more!
And since I'm stealing stuff off Wired's blog, here is another nugget of amusement:
Combines two amazing movies: Monty Python and the Holy Grail (a good movie to use as a barometer of people's humor) and Star Wars (Classic, nuff said)
Is there any good come back for a yo momma joke? I've tried to no avail to return with 'your dad' jokes, as illustrated below..... Obviously I wasn't that successful. Here is a website called "with your mom dot com" that are cartoons about this guy kevin's mom. Now there will never be a "with your dad dot com" and I am still trying to grasp why that is.... so please, shed some light and let me know why 'your mom' jokes are so much better and more powerful than 'your dad' jokes!
Since I haven't listened to any 'new' music this past week I'm just going to list some of my favorite songs from the O.C. mixes. I've only watched about 15 minutes of the show and wasn't that impressed. I have however, listened to all the soundtracks and loved them. They even have a whole website dedicated to the mixes. Check it out for clips of the music and links to some of the band's websites. Some of my faves: (excluding artists and songs mentioned in previous posts) From Mix 1 The way we get by: Spoon
Dice: Finley Quaye and William Orbit
We use to be friends: Dandy Warhols
From Mix 2: You got me all wrong: Dios Malos
So Sweet: Jonathon Rice
Hello Sunshine: Super Furry Animals
From Mix 4 (skipped 3 because its a holiday mix): To be alone with you: Surjan Stevens
Hardcore Days and Softcore Nights: Aqueduct (if for nothing else just the cool title)
Fortress: Pinback
From Mix 5: Forever Young: Youth Group
Daft Punk is Playing at My House: LCD Soundsystem
Kids with Guns: Gorillaz
So there ya go, a few of my favorites. Of course the mixes have a bunch of artists I've mentioned before that you gotta listen to: Stars, Subways, Shout out Louds, Jonathan Arthur, Imogen Heap, Death Cab for Cutie, The Perishers and Keane.
...my most exciting and anticipated purchase of the year is a new pink cell phone... (and as other posts describe, my ringtone is the super mario brothers theme)
So I don't know bout you but I'm not a big advocate of talking to the stylist while he's cutting my hair. Why distract the guy from his job? Its my hair, I want him focused and paying attention to every snip! Or maybe my reluctance to chat it up has more to do with the fact that I never know what to say to the guy. Sure, I've been going to him for 2 1/2 years, and we made it through the bang debacle of '05 (come to think of it, maybe we were a bit too chatty that day), but beyond the superficial pleasantries, our conversations haven't gone far. I blame it partly on my shy nature but also on his lack of conversation skills. Give me something to work with and I'll ask you questions! Luckily I think we've grown comfortable in our silence. Well I hope so at least. Besides, how else would I be able to eavesdrop on other people's conversations and find out if some guy's boyfriend (who lives in Russia and makes $70-80 a month and doesn't have a phone) has come out to his parents or if the other stylist is constipated, "#1 or #2?" "I think #2, he's been in there a long time!". The silence also gives me an opportunity to ponder things like,
thank god I was never on a school field trip where all the students had to wear neon green t-shirts and reflective safety patrol belts/sashes.
if you have tattoos on your arms do you have to worry that your shirt my clash with the colors in the design?
Do guys attempt to match the color of their baseball hats to their clothes like I do?
Whats better? A plasma, LCD or rear projection TV?
why is Ze Frank so hilarious and how can I find a guy like him?
If I got hit by a car and didn't have my cell, would I remember anyone's phone number to call in case of an emergency?
If I broke a limb, which one would I prefer? I think my left arm.
So luckily the hair cut/color turned out great and I didn't need to lie through my teeth and say 'Sure I like it', tip him and then go home and cry for two hours.
Because the WORLD CUP starts today I figured a soccer post would make sense. Plus I found this great article on Slate about America, Soccer and the World Cup. Its definitely worth a read, here are some excerpts:
"When children in the United States are very young, they believe that soccer is the most popular sport in the world. They believe this because every single child in America plays soccer." "Because they all play, most of America's children assume that soccer will always be a part of their lives... harbored no life expectations other than that I would continue playing center midfielder until such time as I died. It never occurred to me that any of this would change.But at about age 10, something happens to the children of the United States. Soccer is dropped, quickly and unceremoniously, by approximately 88 percent of all young people. The same kids who played at 5, 6, 7, move on to baseball, football, basketball, hockey, field hockey, and, sadly, golf. Shortly thereafter, they stop playing these sports, too, and begin watching these sports on television, including, sadly, golf." The Article goes on to discuss the decline of soccer playing and the rise of its popularity due to the World Cup and Sylvester Stallone.
Like every other kid in America I played soccer, my brother played soccer, we actually played on the same teams for years. Being one of the only girls on the field was great, especially when I surprised them with my ability and then I was just one of the guys. But my gender was most strongly felt when I accidentally kicked a kid from the other team in the balls and he had to be carried off the field. I could feel the glare of all the males on the field piercing me and willing me to feel the pain their fallen comrade was experiencing. One of my first career goals in life (besides being a bus driver-how cool was opening and closing the door?!) was to be the first professional women's soccer player. So I guess Mia Hamm kinda stole my spotlight but I guess I shouldn't have a big gripe with her since after 10th grade I stopped playing soccer like so many others. I blame it on my cross-ocean move and unconscious or possibly conscious decision to be the artsy girl and no longer the athletic girl. Regardless I'll always have a special place in my heart for soccer.
Here are some soccer videos for your viewing pleasure: Mishaps and Tumbles
my favorite is of the little kid falling over, is that wrong?
One of my favorite shows is Robot Chicken, here are three clips parodying Star Wars. I present them in 'chronological' order:
"7 foot 2 Asthmatic Ass"
"And the force? That's just microscopic bacteria...."
"Saber beats Rock"
Check out the rest of Robot Chicken on Youtube for more random pop culture/claymation humor! They do lots of other things besides star wars of course and even get lots of big name stars to do the voices. (Thats actually Mark Hamil playing Luke)