Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Monday, August 28, 2006
Chi-town Music

Sufjan Stevens: Chicago and Come on Feel the Illinoise!
and because I saw Wicked there: What is this feeling? and Popular.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Thursday, August 24, 2006
LOST news

USA today readers submitted questions that were answered by the shows stars and producers. While most of the answers don't divulge that much, read Matthew Fox's (Jack) answer for bit of a spoiler!
The chocolate bar featured on the show, Apollo actually exists. According to this, the Apollo website has lots of Lost clues. And surprise, surprise, The Apollo Candy Company is a subsidiary of the Hanso Foundation. Are they taking this merchandising too far? The LOST experience too far?
Regardless, they are going to be giving out these bars in cities around the country.
The DC dates are:
- 8/25 Tysons Corner
- 9/7 ESPN zone DC
Apparently there's a tell-all book coming out as well:

"Theories abound about the survivors of Flight 815 and their eenigamatic island home on the supernatural television phenomenon Lost. This collection of essays provides insight into the most talked-about issues, including chapters on "Why the Survivors Must Be in Another Dimension (or the Twilight Zone)," "Lord of the Lost: Jack vs. Locke," "The Others: Where On Earth Did They Come From . . . or Did They?" and "A Theologian's View of the Island as Purgatory.""
We've blogged before about the Charlie figurine but now there are pics out of the other cast members. Whitney, the write at popcandy snapped some pics of them at Comic Con.
Here is my fave:

Hurley playing his version of Island Golf.
The figurines are all pretty cool. But they're missing something key. THE SWEAT!!!
Hopefully this will tide us over till Oct. 4th
And as the link in this post tells us, we definitely have some good things to look forward to:

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Surreal Video
Found it mentioned on Ze Frank's page.
Is it just me or does the girl look like one of the characters from The Dark Crystal? (Which by the way, definitely scared the shit out of me as a kid.)

and apparently like Steven Tyler

Take a closer look at the Sultan's Elephant, which gives the girl a shower in the first video.
These are huge marionette puppets made by a French Company Called Royal De Luxe
Pretty damn impressive.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Cheesy Joke Friday

Click here for last weeks joke.
Thursday, August 17, 2006

Its one of my favorite things to do.
However, that can get me into trouble. A story involving kissing will often end with my friend saying, "How do you get your self into these situations?"
But I digress.
So like everything wonderful and poetic that we love,
lets break it down and find out some facts about it:
* The science of kissing is called philematology.
* A one-minute kiss burns 26 calories measuring energy-producing potential of food).
* Kissing releases the same neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the brain) as intense exercise, like parachuting or distance running. The heart beats faster and breathing becomes deep and irregular.
* Saliva, the mucus-filled slime that wets the mouth, crawls with microscopic bacteria (single-cell organisms) that enter from air, food, and dirty hands. Between 10 million and 1 billion colonies (groups of bacteria) are swapped with each smooch! But saliva also contains antibacterial chemicals that kill most bacteria before the germs are exchanged in a kiss.
* A simple pucker uses two muscles, the upper and lower orbicularis otis surrounding the lips. A passionate kiss uses all 34 facial muscles.
But WHY is kissing so amazing??
Read this article to find out.
Not only does it go through the biology of kissing, but also the history.
It also details the effects of kissing:
"While researchers aren't exactly sure how or why people started kissing, they do know that romantic kissing affects most people profoundly. The Kinsey Institute describes a person's response to kissing as a combination of three factors:
- Your psychological response depends on your mental and emotional state as well as how you feel about the person who is kissing you. Psychologically, kissing someone you want to kiss will generally encourage feelings of attachment and affection. If you're kissing someone you don't like, or you're kissed against your will, your psychological response will be completely different.
- Your body physically reacts to being kissed. Most people like to be touched, and that's part of your body's response to kissing. But kissing also affects everything from your blood to your brain. We'll look at your body's biological reactions to kissing in detail in a later section.
- The culture in which you grew up plays a big part in how you feel about kissing. In most Western societies, people are conditioned to, look forward to and enjoy kissing. The behavior of the people around you, depictions in the media and other social factors can dramatically affect how you respond to being kissed."
I really shouldn't have waited till I was 18 years old to experience kissing. But not to worry, I made up for lost time. ;)
PS. Here are two of my favorite Kiss quotes:
"The decision to kiss for the first time is the most crucial in any love story. It changes the relationship of two people much more strongly than even the final surrender; because this kiss already has within it that surrender."
-Emil Ludwig"I'd give half my life for just one kiss."
Mae West: "Then kiss me twice."
And some of my favorite songs about kissing:
Steal my Kisses- Ben Harper
Knock me a Kiss
Passionate Kisses- Mary Chapin Carpenter
Kiss me-Six Pence none the Richer
Kiss, Kiss-Tarkan
What would Happen- Meredith Brooks
A kiss to build a dream on-Louis Armstrong
Kiss the Girl-Little Mermaid
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Borat's music Picks (and mine)
Here are some suggestions of stuff I liiiiiiiiiiiiike

Mexico, Cathedrals-Jump Little Children
-the band aren't together anymore but Zach Braff is giving them shout outs on his blog, maybe they'll end up in one of his movies?
Smile, Knock 'em Out- Lily Allen
-British pop/ska/reggae, her song knock 'em out reminds me a bit of The Streets.
And since I'm going to be seeing them soon:
Do You Realize, Goin' On, Ego Tripping at the Gates of Hell, Fight Test- The Flaming Lips
Friday, August 11, 2006
Cheesy Joke Friday
Use it wisely.
I suggest trying it while out on the town with a guy or girl of interest. What's better than a over used pick-up line? A cheesy joke of course!!
Post your own in the comments. :)
Did you hear about the Pope?
He got bird flu from the Cardinal!
(Most jokes 'stolen' from Frankie)
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
National Underwear Day?
But no, its all about the message:
"Our message at Freshpair is the belief that underwear deserves a lot more recognition than it gets"
"More than just eye candy, our models conducted various surveys on undergarment choices and asked people to sign a petition which urges official recognition of this underwear-honoring day."
Sounds like an important cause to fight for, or not.
But underwear is a good topic to blog about:
- Y-Fronts or tighty whiteys
or take Quizzes about:
- What color is your lucky underwear?
(I wear my lucky pair too much)
- What type of underwear would you be.
Ok Perv, stop thinking bout my underwear and write a comment already!
OR watch Cool TAK in his underwear
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Friday, August 04, 2006
Rocky Took a Lover

(Though he will be at screen on the green august 14th!)
But this Rocky

(mentioned in previous post)
Its a music video following a cute animated character find love.
I LOVE music videos with adorable characters as seen in this post with videos from Blur and Guster.
Not only is this video great, but of course the song rocks too.
One of my favorite lines?
"She said, 'I don't believe in any old Jesus, If there was a God, then why's my arse the perfect height for kicking?'"
AND not only are the song and video delicious ,
there is also a website that ties into the video: Rocky Took a Lover
where Rocky has a Blog and it has links to Rocky's and Adriana's myspace pages.
SO yeah, fun if you have nothing to do (like me) or even if you no time (like you) but wanna waste some of it or procrastinate.