Being Single Rocks
What really qualifies one as being single though? Once you're in a monogamous relationship, you are no longer single and off the market right? But if you are just dating a person, or people are you still considered single? Are you 'single and a half' ? (Shakes, 2006)
At a recent family reunion (see picture below), I realized I was the only single person in their 20's. I also noticed I was the only vegetarian. While I know that vegetarians are prone to anemia, I don't think it predisposes one to singledom. While part of me wondered, hey if they have a bf/gf or fiancee and I don't, what's wrong with me? The other part of me thought, well maybe its better to not be in a relationship than be in one where your significant other won't let your family sing happy birthday to them on their birthday or won't read Harry Potter because witchcraft is evil.
Sure maybe I wouldn't mind dating someone. But while I'm not, I'm looking at the glass half-full and savoring the freedom it brings, as well as these other reasons.....
- Don't have to consult with anyone else when making big or small plans.
- Never have to watch movies (Little Man) or TV shows (Joey) or listen to music (Dave Matthews) I don't like.
- I get a more restful sleep than couples and even if I do share my bed, I always get a better sleep than the guy.
- If I want, I can take advantage of Friends with Benefits. (And its probably always easier for a girl to find a FWB than a guy)
- If I meet an awful guy or have a bad date, I never have to see or talk to them again. (Or even if he's not so terrible, I still don't have to call him back)
- Don't have to be hospitalized because I'm 'addicted to love'
- Don't have to have a DTR or 'No Expectations' talk with someone.
- I don't have to divide my time between a boyfriend, my friends and his friends.
- And finally as mentioned before, I can be short term ugly and not obsessively worry about how I will look if someone sees me naked.