After watching some of Vh1's
I love toys I started to reminiss about the toys of my youth. And of course I thought of Nintendo. And I'm not talking about the gamecube or gameboy or nintend 64. I'm talking about the orignal, the best, the nintendo entertainment system.
Gotta love the classic games, Donkey Kong, Super Mario Bros. and Dunk Hunt. I still miss the gun and pretending to shoot my twin brother with it and blowing on the cartridges when they wouldn't work.

Remember R.O.B? (Robotic Operating Buddy) Wtf was he suppose to do? I seem to remember that I had to have him but once we got him he was frustrating, didn't work well and broke easily. After he broke he ventured into My Little Pony and Barbie world while making stop offs in Transformer and GI Joe land. He was put to use none the less, cause you had to have R.O.B!

And what about the the power pad? The orginal dance dance revolution without the crazy tecno music. Remember competing in track and field events, running as fast as you could in place and then jumping up in the air to simulate a long jump? Of course that got old after awhile and you'd start to experment with using your hands as the feet and seeing how fast you could 'run', but guaranteed fun for a few hours atleast. Maybe they should go the old skool route to fight obesity and put this in
schools instead of dance dance revolution.
In homage to our memories of NES and super mario brothers check out this great
video clip of a group of kids at a talent show peforming the theme music. It's over 6 minutes long but definitly worth it. Promise!