Let Us Clear Our Throats

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Keeps going and going and going....

With Easter, comes thoughts of Easter eggs, peeps, cadbury eggs, chocolate bunnies and of course Jesus. But for millions of kids it means the Easter Bunny! Unfortunately not everyone's experiences with Easter or the Bunny are always pleasant. Please refer to this post by Shekhar to get an Indian's take on the holiday.
When kids went to a mall this Easter in Florida, I doubt they expected to see the Easter Bunny go medieval on someone's ass and get arrested. "A Florida mall dispute ended Saturday night with the arrest of the Easter Bunny on battery charges. The rambunctious rabbit (aka Arthur McClure, 22) was nabbed after he allegedly struck a mall visitor who beefed about the early closure of a photo line on which kids and parents waited for a snapshot with the cuddly character."

Maybe not so 'cuddly' after all.
I think it may have looked something like this:

(Shout out to Frankie for the video)


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