Wednesday, April 26, 2006
....I still separate the year in semesters and think I should get at least a month of summer vacation.
Monday, April 24, 2006
Unexpected Smiles
I love when I see something unexpected that makes me smile or laugh. For example, this sign I saw outside a dry cleaners:
"Let's Be Clothes Friends"
"Let's Be Clothes Friends"
Sunday, April 23, 2006
She's just not into you or is she?

Why did she give you her number in the first place? If she gave you her number that means she was interested in you right? Oh naive silly lil man, you should know by now that its never that simple when dealing with the female gender.
Reasons she gave you her phone number:
1. You asked
2. She was drunk
3. She didn't think you'd actually call
4. She really was interested in you
5. She really wasn't interested in you (refer to #2)
Reasons she didn't call back:
1. She was drunk and doesn't remember meeting you
2. She was drunk and is ignoring you out of embarrassment.
3. She enjoys the game of flirting (number exchanges included) and game over corresponded with last call.
4. She's passive-aggressive and instead of saying no or coming up with an excuse, she decided to give it to you and just ignore the calls instead.
5. She was interested but her friends staged a beer goggle intervention.
So guys even if you think she's interested, there's always the chance that....
she's just not into you!
PS. If she doesn't call you back the first time, most likely she's never going to and your repeated calls aren't going to make a difference (besides make you appear like a stalker) so accept defeat and move on to the next complicated and confusing gal. ;)
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Sign #16 that I've not grown up yet...... 26 years old, people still think I'm 18 years old or younger.
Oh silly scientologists!
IF you do win, Tom will say, "you complete me and the first level". If you pass that level he says, "you're being glib, you don't know anything about the next level". I didn't have the patience (ok, or skill) to make it to the next level, so if anyone else did, please let us know what he says next.
For some info about silent birth and this wacky 'religion' click on this wiki article. The scientology story reads like a sci-fi book and a bad one at that. No surprise since it was developed by a science fiction writer.

Is it any wonder that when they had a big yellow tent up on the mall at the Cherry Blossom Festival in DC, they didn't have big signs up that said "SCIENTOLOGY-give us your money and hand over your psychiatric medication" but instead 'free stress tests' and 'something can be done about it'. Oh silly scientologists...when will you learn that misleading advertising and a chemically unbalanced spokesman like Tom Cruise, aren't the way to win over the public, or tired tourists on the mall.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Keeps going and going and going....
With Easter, comes thoughts of Easter eggs, peeps, cadbury eggs, chocolate bunnies and of course Jesus. But for millions of kids it means the Easter Bunny! Unfortunately not everyone's experiences with Easter or the Bunny are always pleasant. Please refer to this post by Shekhar to get an Indian's take on the holiday.
When kids went to a mall this Easter in Florida, I doubt they expected to see the Easter Bunny go medieval on someone's ass and get arrested. "A Florida mall dispute ended Saturday night with the arrest of the Easter Bunny on battery charges. The rambunctious rabbit (aka Arthur McClure, 22) was nabbed after he allegedly struck a mall visitor who beefed about the early closure of a photo line on which kids and parents waited for a snapshot with the cuddly character."
Maybe not so 'cuddly' after all.
I think it may have looked something like this:
(Shout out to Frankie for the video)
When kids went to a mall this Easter in Florida, I doubt they expected to see the Easter Bunny go medieval on someone's ass and get arrested. "A Florida mall dispute ended Saturday night with the arrest of the Easter Bunny on battery charges. The rambunctious rabbit (aka Arthur McClure, 22) was nabbed after he allegedly struck a mall visitor who beefed about the early closure of a photo line on which kids and parents waited for a snapshot with the cuddly character."
Maybe not so 'cuddly' after all.
I think it may have looked something like this:
(Shout out to Frankie for the video)
Monday, April 17, 2006
Music Monday.....well umm... Tuesday!
Here is another installment of groovy music you should check out.
Refer to this past post for previously mentioned nuggets of music gold.
Give a listen to Joshua Radin. He's had songs on scrubs and grey's anatomy, sounds kind of like a less folky/country ryan adams.
Songs I really like are " Fear you won't fall" and "Winter"
Lyrics that hooked me in "I know you're scared that I'll soon be over it, thats part of it all. Part of the beauty of falling in love with you, is the fear, you won't fall."
Don't know why I didn't mention Keane before but they are a british rock group, sort of like coldplay and aqualung. Great powerful ballads.
Songs: "Somewhere only we know","Bedshaped" and "Everybody's Changing".
Rachael Yamagata's voice sounds like a mix between Holly Cole and Norah Jones.
I like "Letter Read", "1963" and "Be Be Your Love"
Fun music that will keep you moving for workouts:
Fannypack: A female hip hop group from New York. The song "Keep it up" is awesome because of the incorporated sounds of sneakers on a gym floor. Also check out "Seven One Eight" and "Twisted". Lyrics that had me laughing: "Gonna make you scream like Howard Dean"
And last but not least some african music: Tune in to Geoffrey Oryema from Uganda. His song "Makambo" is pretty haunting and powerful (even though its in another language!) also listen to "Exile" and "Ye Ye Ye".
Refer to this past post for previously mentioned nuggets of music gold.
Give a listen to Joshua Radin. He's had songs on scrubs and grey's anatomy, sounds kind of like a less folky/country ryan adams.
Songs I really like are " Fear you won't fall" and "Winter"
Lyrics that hooked me in "I know you're scared that I'll soon be over it, thats part of it all. Part of the beauty of falling in love with you, is the fear, you won't fall."
Don't know why I didn't mention Keane before but they are a british rock group, sort of like coldplay and aqualung. Great powerful ballads.
Songs: "Somewhere only we know","Bedshaped" and "Everybody's Changing".
Rachael Yamagata's voice sounds like a mix between Holly Cole and Norah Jones.
I like "Letter Read", "1963" and "Be Be Your Love"
Fun music that will keep you moving for workouts:
Fannypack: A female hip hop group from New York. The song "Keep it up" is awesome because of the incorporated sounds of sneakers on a gym floor. Also check out "Seven One Eight" and "Twisted". Lyrics that had me laughing: "Gonna make you scream like Howard Dean"
And last but not least some african music: Tune in to Geoffrey Oryema from Uganda. His song "Makambo" is pretty haunting and powerful (even though its in another language!) also listen to "Exile" and "Ye Ye Ye".
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Sending out a S.O.S.

And by request, best quote while watching LOST tonight:
Frankie: "Whats remission?"
Raman: "Cancer."
While finding out about Rose's cancer was interesting, I was more focused on what was happening between Jack and Kate. They were so close!!! Why did stupid Michael have to come trampling in?? And where has he been the whole time? Wonder if the actor pissed off the writers so they decided to teach him a lesson.
So lets speculate.....
Does Michael lead them into an attack against the others?
Does 'Henry' over power Ana Lousia and use her as leverage to escape?
Are Kate and Jack every gonna do it?
Anybody else think the guy who plays Henry should get an award for being the creepiest villian on tv?
And for some other lost news....
....apparently Evangeline use to be a stewardess. I love how the article describes her and Dominic (the hobbit) as lovers instead of partners or something.
...if you IMDB LOST and look at the full credits it shows the actors who were on the show but not anymore, as 2004-2005. BUT they list the actor that plays Walt as 2004-2005 too!
So is he gone for good? Will there never be father/son reunion?
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Stop in the name of Hate

Everyone's heard of Friendster, right? Not as popular as some of the other sites but not as sleazy and sketchy as MySpace and more of an older crowd then Facebook. Well now there is a Snubster!
According to an article on Wired News, "Antisocial Networking Gets Hip"
from the article:
"Snubster members, by contrast, focus on what irritates them. Targets of discontent include individuals (President Bush is a popular pick), groups (guys who talk at urinals) and things (bologna). Besides storing lists, the site has a tool for sending an e-mail to someone newly added to a list to tell them why they're being snubbed."
Hate is a great way to unite people.
from the site:
On Notice
Things go on this list first. You can specify how long something is on notice. If there are no more infractions in this time period, they'll automatically come off the list. Otherwise you can move them to your Dead to Me List
Dead to Me
Put things on your dead to me list when you'd like them on there permanently. They'll only come off your list if you manually remove them.
Here are some things I would put on my lists:
On Notice
Lost-for erratic scheduling
the noisy box at the top of AIM buddy lists
Dead to Me
Tom Cruise
What would you put on your lists?
Monday, April 10, 2006
You're so money and you don't even know it!
On my long drive in to 'work' (in quotations because I get paid in the currency of experience and valuable life lessons versus cash) this wonderful Monday morning, I was contemplating the last 4 days or so (which could have been better) and wishing that I was still curled up in bed.
However I noticed two things along the way that put a smile on my face.
1) a student driver car. The name of the driving school? "Arrive Alive" How literal and somewhat morbid is that? But it made me chuckle...maybe there is a driving school called "Don't Die while Driving". Arrive Alive is a bit more upbeat though, a reference to death probably isn't good to have in the name of a company.
2) a guy picking his nose. Which is humorous on its own, of course. But the guy's license plate said, "UR MONEY". The guy looked so 'money' driving by with his finger up his nose and I bet he didn't even know it.
Hope your monday morning started with smile, or atleast your afternoon ;)
However I noticed two things along the way that put a smile on my face.
1) a student driver car. The name of the driving school? "Arrive Alive" How literal and somewhat morbid is that? But it made me chuckle...maybe there is a driving school called "Don't Die while Driving". Arrive Alive is a bit more upbeat though, a reference to death probably isn't good to have in the name of a company.
2) a guy picking his nose. Which is humorous on its own, of course. But the guy's license plate said, "UR MONEY". The guy looked so 'money' driving by with his finger up his nose and I bet he didn't even know it.
Hope your monday morning started with smile, or atleast your afternoon ;)
Friday, April 07, 2006
My friend the tv star and.....
First off: I saw Gwen on TV tonight! She's was a disco dancing queen on Bernie Mac (see post below). If you watch the show check for her dancing in the background at the parking lot and coming out of the bathroom at the after party! mad props Gwen!
And now for a smaller and considerably furrier tv star....
I want a hamster......
...we could eat vegetables together.
And now for a smaller and considerably furrier tv star....
I want a hamster......

Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Have you ever.....
Gone to pay with a debit card and thought, oh $10.54? I have four pennies I can.....oh wait I'm paying with a debit card.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Where's that dog gone thong??!
Next time you say this it may have a totally different and wild meaning.
(well if you're a guy saying this, it already has a wild and concerning please keep your thong search to yourself mister thong man)
Introducing the DOGONE THONG!!!

Straight from the website:
"The Dogone - Dog Gas Neutralizing Pad is a comfortable and least intrusive means for deodorizing gassy discharges in a thong design. This will eliminate pet odors and dog odors from flatus or flatulence."
Now who really has too much time on their hands to create this? Or who has a dog who's gas is soooo bad that they felt the need to create "an activated charcoal cloth....that is reusable and washable"??
As if the dog isn't already blamed enough for human's farts already...
The one who smelt it: "day-am! whats that smell!?"
The one who dealt is: "don't look at me, it was the dog"
The one who smelt it: "oh must have been the dog, he obviously has a gas problem if he needs a dogone fart thong"

This strange and twisted invention (which is patent pending btw) will only make it easier to attribute those silent but deadly ones to the dog.
You couldn't do that to a face like this could you?!
(well if you're a guy saying this, it already has a wild and concerning please keep your thong search to yourself mister thong man)
Introducing the DOGONE THONG!!!
Straight from the website:
"The Dogone - Dog Gas Neutralizing Pad is a comfortable and least intrusive means for deodorizing gassy discharges in a thong design. This will eliminate pet odors and dog odors from flatus or flatulence."
Now who really has too much time on their hands to create this? Or who has a dog who's gas is soooo bad that they felt the need to create "an activated charcoal cloth....that is reusable and washable"??
As if the dog isn't already blamed enough for human's farts already...
The one who smelt it: "day-am! whats that smell!?"
The one who dealt is: "don't look at me, it was the dog"
The one who smelt it: "oh must have been the dog, he obviously has a gas problem if he needs a dogone fart thong"

This strange and twisted invention (which is patent pending btw) will only make it easier to attribute those silent but deadly ones to the dog.
You couldn't do that to a face like this could you?!
Sign # 4 that I've not grown up yet.......
I don't see the point of making my bed in the morning. I'm just going to get right back in at night. Why create extra work for myself?
Saturday, April 01, 2006
Check it
The creators of Wallace and Gromit have a series in England called Creature Comforts.
They tape interviews with members of the british public and then animate them in clay.
The interviews have that great british sense of humor and many subtle background details.
Check it out yo!
They tape interviews with members of the british public and then animate them in clay.
The interviews have that great british sense of humor and many subtle background details.
Check it out yo!